Located in the north-eastern region of Uganda is a sub-region called Karamoja, located only a couple of hours from our school. It currently has the highest food insecurity and malnutrition levels in the country. Hundreds of people have died of famine and local leaders say that some people are now eating grass to survive.
UNICEF Uganda Representative, Munir Safieldin, said: “We must not wait for thousands of children to die. We have said ‘never again’ too many times.”
Our Uganda Country Director, Lavendah Namyalo, traveled to the area last month with the intention of learning more about the issues at hand and finding practical ways to help. Shortly after, she wrote a letter to the First Lady of Uganda in hopes of creating a partnership.
And she responded not only with heartfelt thanks, but with the support and connection needed to duplicate our efforts.
If you’d like to donate to food, supplies, and medical assistance in Karamoja, select “Karamoja, Uganda Relief Efforts” in the dropdown menu on our donation page.
Thank you for joining us as we love our neighbors around the world.