For the last several years, we’ve been leading teams monthly into the oldest prison in California. San Quentin is the state’s only death row, though governors have imposed a moratorium on executions since 2006. What we’ve learned through building friendships with these men and women is that they have a remarkable authenticity. They are kind, compassionate, and have worked hard to create a different life for themselves even through the confines of prison. After a year hiatus due to Covid, we’re back facilitating our Dream Big Program with them.
And just two weeks ago, we held a graduation ceremony for 34 inmates. We all hummed the Pomp and Circumstance melody while men cried who had never put on a cap and gown or graduated before. Their humility was beautiful.
We’re currently working on a scholarship program so that our friends at San Quentin can get their bachelors degrees and continue to dream big about their futures.
Thank you for loving people intentionally and being part of the Love Does family.