During our time there, we also wanted to acknowledge the women and moms at the center, some newly widowed, but nearly all of them separated from their loved ones fighting in the war back home. They shoulder the daunting challenge of creating a safe space for their children while living with so much uncertainty about the future. So with the help of Never Alone Widows, we held a luncheon full of gifts, treats, and an intentional time of honoring these incredible women.
There were 3 refugee women in particular who have gone above and beyond since arriving at the center, so we celebrated their bravery and intentionality. One stepped up to teach, another found ways to care for children in addition to her own, and one made it a priority to decorate the refugee center with art in an effort to make it more “homey” for everyone. Never Alone Widows shared their own courageous stories of impossible heartbreak but also the redeeming moments in their lives. Several women communicated that they have felt forgotten in these past months. We were grateful to be able to show up in this special way to tell them we cared.
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-The Love Does Team