This week we had a soft launch for our newest Love Does school! It’s located at the largest asylum camp in Mexico just over the border between San Diego and Tijuana. 180 students began class and we are looking forward to the official grand opening of the school in May where 400 kids aged 6-16 will attend the school. This asylum camp in Tijuana hosts 1,700-2,000 refugees coming from Haiti, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and various parts of Central and South America. Most of the kids and families residing at the asylum camp are undereducated as a result of political unrest, Covid or a lack of access to education in their origin country. The children, especially, are in desperate need of formal teaching while they wait months or years before being admitted into the United States to enter our local public schools.
The Love Does School has 8 classrooms for primary and secondary education, a computer lab, library, and a psychologist on site. Our goal is to provide children with structure and optimism through character-based education. For many, this will mark their first exposure to a formal education, thus serving as a crucial stepping stone for shaping their future. Education will offer stability and will equip students with essential skills for fostering friendships, cultivating peace, and hopefully discovering joy even amidst their challenging circumstances.
We couldn’t do it without you! Learn more about our newest school in Tijuana’s greatest needs, and the related amazon wishlist here.
-The Love Does Team